Open Data

Our team has compiled a collection of sizeable crime, court and custody datasets, most are updated annually or quarterly. They are intended for use by people who want to perform their own analysis.

Monthly data on all
criminal offences by geography

Monthly data on alleged offenders proceeded against by the NSW Police

Short and long term
crime trends

Offence Seriousness Ranking
Orders criminal offences
from most to least serious

Compares the rate of
crime across areas

Reception, discharges and
custody population data

Local area
Snapshot of incidents, offenders and victims
for each LGA

Spatial offence data

Other useful data files

Can't find what you are looking for?

Customised datasets are available from BOCSAR on request. In line with our Information Service Policy, if what you are after is relatively straightforward for BOCSAR staff to prepare (ie will take less than 30 minutes to compile), it will be free of charge and will be available within 2 working days. If you are after data that is more complex to prepare (ie it will take more than 30 minutes to compile), it will incur a cost and will take up to 10 working days to prepare.

The minimum charge for data requests taking longer than 30 minutes and up to 2 hours to complete is $500 (plus GST). Data requests taking longer than two hours incur an additional charge of $250 per hour (or part thereof).

Please carefully consider what data you request because if after we have prepared specific data for you, you request changes or more data, additional costs will be charged and further compilation time will be required.

Unit record level criminal incident and reoffending data are also available provided specific conditions are met, including that Human Research Ethics Committee approval for the proposed research has been granted. Please refer to the Unit Record Reoffending Data and Unit Record Criminal Incident Data guidelines for further details.