​Custody receptions and discharges

This page shows information about receptions and discharges into custody.

What is a custody reception?

A reception counts the number of new prisoners in the reporting period. Receptions can be broken down into two different types:

i. Remand reception: this describes a prisoners first movement into custody where the prisoner spends at least one day on remand (i.e. unsentenced and awaiting court finalisation).
ii. Sentenced reception: this describes a prisoners first movement into custody where the prisoner has been sentenced at court, and thus spends no time on remand.

What is a custody discharge?

A discharge counts the number of prisoners exiting custody during the reporting period. Discharges can be broken down into four categories: parole, bail, sentenced expired and other.

To find out more about custody terms and definitions see the 
BOCSAR Glossary

Adult receptions and discharges



Youth detention receptions and discharges

