Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research

The 2022 BOCSAR Winter Seminar Series

The New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) invites you to join us over the winter months at this virtual seminar series to showcase recent research findings. This is a free online event with a different focus area each month.  

The three sessions are:

Session Three - Thursday, 20 October 2022 

The interaction of people with disability and the justice system: First results from a major new linkage study involving the National Disability Data Asset Pilot

In late 2019, the former Australian Data and Digital Council and Disability Reform Council agreed to pilot the development of a longitudinal National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) which integrated data from the Commonwealth, States and Territories. The pilot aimed to overcome barriers to data use for disability purposes, build and maintain trust between jurisdictions, and with the disability community, and achieve a new scale of de-identified data sharing in Australia. Findings from the pilot are intended to inform the development of an enduring NDDA. An enduring NDDA could assist policy makers and researchers to improve service delivery for people with disability. The Pilot phase involved five test cases which aim to demonstrate the potential of linked data to inform and drive disability policy and determine the design and implementation of an enduring asset.

This seminar will present results from the Justice Test Case. Jointly led by BOCSAR and the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS), the Justice test case used State and Commonwealth administrative data collections to identify a cohort of 2.8 million people who received a core disability support and/ or who had contact with the NSW criminal justice system as a victim or as an offender, in NSW over a 10-year period. Two papers will be presented.

  1. Trends in rates of victimization and offending for people with disability NSW (presented by Stewart Boiteux, Principal Program Evaluator, BOCSAR).
  2. Risk factors for violent crime and repeat victimisation among people with disability (presented by Suzanne Poynton, Director Research and Evaluation, BOCSAR). 

Session Two - 21 July 2022

Drink & Drug Driving: the effectiveness of strategies to reduce the impact of high-volume traffic offences

Session One - 22 June 2022

How the NSW Youth Koori Court improves outcomes for Aboriginal young people: A discussion by stakeholders and evaluators



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